atom beautify 格式php文件

Could not find ‘php-cs-fixer’. The program may not be installed.
See for program installation instructions.You can configure Atom Beautify with the absolute path to ‘php-cs-fixer.phar’ by setting ‘PHP - CS Fixer Path’ in the Atom Beautify package settings.Your program is properly installed if running ‘where.exe php-cs-fixer’ in your CMD prompt returns an absolute path to the executable. If this does not work then you have not installed the program correctly and so Atom Beautify will not find the program. Atom Beautify requires that the program be found in your PATH environment variable.

好像提示我php-cs-fixer要安装。我已经安装了。但是早atom beautify里设置PHP-CS Fixer Path我不知道怎么设置。我是windows系统

