学着写插件,写测试的时候,我打开了一个文件,并且返回我了一个resolve的promise,但是我通过传递的TextEditor.getText() 方法没有获取到任何字符,通过atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor().getText() 也无法获取到任何字符。
'use babel';
import MyPackage3 from '../lib/my-package3';
// import fs from 'fs';
// Use the command `window:run-package-specs` (cmd-alt-ctrl-p) to run specs.
// To run a specific `it` or `describe` block add an `f` to the front (e.g. `fit`
// or `fdescribe`). Remove the `f` to unfocus the block.
describe('MyPackage3', () => {
let workspaceElement, activationPromise;
let editor;
beforeEach(() => {
workspaceElement = atom.views.getView(atom.workspace);
activationPromise = atom.workspace.open('./test.html');
describe('when the my-package3:beautify event is triggered', () => {
it('can format the whole text this editor', () => {
// Before the activation event the view is not on the DOM, and no panel
// has been created
// This is an activation event, triggering it will cause the package to be
// activated.
waitsForPromise(() => {
return activationPromise.then(edit => editor=edit).catch(e=>{console.log(e)});
runs(() => {
let text = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor().getText();
atom.commands.dispatch(workspaceElement, 'my-package3:beautify');